Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Are You Ready For Your Death?

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

- Psalms 23:4

Are you ready for your death? Most of the people will say “A Big No.” Nobody wants death but that’s the cycle of life. As for me, I personally changed my perception as I get old. If you are going to ask me… then I said “Yes.”

My perception changed when I got hospitalized last June 2019 for almost a week. My doctor told me that I have Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 5 or Renal Failure End Stage. My creatinine unbelievably went up as well as my blood pressure. I am also having a hard time urinating, meaning there is something wrong with my kidney.

My doctor told me to undergo dialysis to lessen the creatinine serum in my body that may kill me within 24 hours. On May 30, 2019 at 6 PM, a catheter placed on my neck. The needle is quite thick with a length of 6 inches.

At that time, I was thinking and justifying things about what-ifs but I don’t want to leave my family, especially my mom who took care of me in the hospital.

Our Almighty God is the one who only knows when and where He will take our life. But I know by the power of prayers of my family and friends gave me the strength to move on. I am very much blessed to have those prayer warriors trusting God’s power of healing.

Death shall come upon us but if you have believed in the power of prayer, you entrusted your life to the Lord. Lord’s promises are unbreakable but sometimes, we cannot tell the time that the end is near.

The moment you surrender yourself to God, without a doubt, He is with you like He did to Joshua, Moses, and Abraham until their time has come to pass.

Glory to God!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

What Does It Take To Become Stronger?

I almost done watching the 70+ episodes of Hajime no Ippo, known as “Knockout” here in the Philippines. I felt the way the protagonist’s (Ippo Makunouchi) way of powering up his strength and stamina while fighting in the ring. Even though he’s groggy and getting weaker due to opponents' jabs and punches, he manages to get himself up and prove himself to others that he is physically and mentally stronger.

That’s how Jyoji Morikawa, the writer of Hajime no Ippo manga, impressed their readers and viewers of this anime. There are no dull moments, all the characters are just imposing pride and power that they can take down their opponents.

It takes a man to be stronger to get his goal – the will of fire to win. The power in the hand of a boxer lies in their motivation to subdue their opponents in the ring. They don’t want to let their spirit down but to fight until their last breath. This is how I compare my life with Ippo – I’d rather fighting with my fear than to run away.

Ippo teaches me to be a stronger person mentally and physically. Even though in the toughest times, I managed to get myself out of the darkest moment of my life. I fight for my life against depression because I know there is a little light in the midst of darkness.

Life is like a boxing arena. Don’t let the punches and jabs in your life be your weakness to stand because being stronger makes you tougher as your life goes on.

What does it take to be a stronger person? Like Ippo, he has the mindset to get his Japan Champion Belt. As for me, I have my family as my strength to move on as my mindset to reach my goal and prosperity in my everyday life.

People may mock you but don’t let yourself be weak, let yourself stand still and let God be your inspiration to move on.

“Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. – Nehemiah 8:10 (NIV)”

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Benefits of Playing Shape-o-Toy To Children

Many people in their childhood may be playing this fun stuff name “Shape-o-Toy.” Shape-o-Toy was produced by Tupperware, the world-renowned company for manufacturing plastic wares, especially containers. Shape-o-Toy is one of the best fit toys for toddlers and it is safe to use.

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I, myself use this toy during my childhood days. My parents told me to match the shaped pieces in different holes. The shaped pieces were all stored in a 16.5cm diameter circular shape. Some of the people said that this toy is quite boring but did you know that Shape-o-Toy has several benefits that you should know about.

1. Cognitive Development

Shape-o-Toy help children construct their own thought process by remembering the shaped pieces and those holes in the circle. This enhances the perception of the child who used to play this kind of stuff.

2. Mathematical Reasoning

Shape-o-Toy enhances a child’s mathematical reasoning wherein he or she can figure out how many sides of the shaped pieces have. Once he or he counted the sides from the hole, he or she will now create a presumption that is the correct hole to store the shaped piece.

3. Decision Making

Shape-o-Toy enhances a child’s perception on how to decide for the shaped pieces to be stored on these holes. This skill totally strengthens a child’s memory and disposition in life as he or she enters the academe.

4. Mental Alertness

Shape-o-Toy harnesses your child’s brainpower and expects a more impulsive response from them as you are challenging them by using a time clock. This initiates mental sharpness and responsiveness to your child.

With these benefits of playing this toy, parents will enjoy playing with your child. Being a parent, you should guide your children on how to use it and meet the goals to your children to be more mentally active and strengthen their own perception.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Pacquiao vs. Thurman: Who’s Gonna Win?

This coming July 21, our People’s Champ and The Fighting Senator Manny Pacquiao will face the undefeated fighter Keith Thurman at Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas Nevada. People all over the world, especially in the Philippines are looking to this much-awaited fight.

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Thurman is undefeated while Pacquiao is known for his 8 world-division titles and epic fight against Juan Manuel Marquez.

According to some sources, many people are betting for Pacquiao but Thurman is confident enough to finish off Pacquiao’s career. Thurman said that this will be Pacquiao’s last fight, meaning his retirement.

Power and Stamina

No wonder, Pacquiao is much more faster and can spar 12 or more rounds. But Thurman is more confident that he can take down his opponent with just one round – that’s quite ambitious. Thurman insists that he is more powerful than the fighting senator. Of course, the ring will decide it’s destiny.

Age Gap

Pacquiao is older than Thurman. Pacquiao is now 40 years old while Thurman is 30. Thurman perceives the physiological aspect of aging against Pacquiao. But as we all said, “Age is just a number.”


Pacquiao is also dominant when it comes to popularity. His epic fights made him famous – even in showbiz and politics. While Thurman is known for his unblemished record.


Pacquiao's camp is confident enough that Thurman will end his undefeated record. Coach Freddie Roach said that it won't last until the ninth round. On the other hand, Thurman's camp is also confident that Pacquiao's retirement is yet to come. Thurman is relying on the one-punch knock out to take down Pacquiao.

This Sunday, who will prevail… who will take the crown. Let’s see!

Reasons Why You Should Refrain from using Social Media

Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn help us to connect with other people and relatives from any parts of the world. Social media strengthens our interpersonal relationship as well as finding the one true love - well, that was my ambitious perception.

 Social media is now the most powerful tool to express and impress our feelings to issues like posting rants and political views. That’s not all, social media is also the gateway to the marketplace where you can buy and sell items.

With all the functionalities, we forgot the side effects of using them and I am not saying that Social Media is bad – very bad when you use it when someone is hurt. Social Media is sometimes poisonous and anytime can kill your morale and yourself.

In this article, we will be discussing the reasons why you should refrainn from using social media.

1.  Cyberbullying

Social Media is the main catalyst or the root cause of bullying. Once you post or share a particular picture, some people will mock you due to your physical attributes. And this is how many people are losing their moral to express themselves through their pictures. Bullying may lead to depression and the worst, death.

2. Conflicts

Social Media is also the cause of conflicts due to each other’s perception, just like politics. Here in the Philippines, democracy rules and we can express ourselves with freedom – and most of them are taking advantage of it. These conflicts implicate how people perceive but they didn’t mind the feelings of others – think how the world it is.

3. Fake News

Social Media also worsen the situation about a specific issue by bluffing us and create bring terror to each and one of us. Remember, fake news will not help us people and you should confirm them before believing them. You need more facts, not hearsay.

4. Security

Social Media may also harm you physically. There is some news that a girl killed by some unidentified person who chatted them via social media and makes date with them. Meeting with strangers is not advisable, think as many as you can if you are going to your dating place. As we all said: “Don’t talk to strangers.”

We can also include cybersecurity in this part. Never ever give your details to strangers. This may hack your social media account and worst, your bank account. Also, don’t just click the links that you are receiving from your inbox. This will also hack your details, your money, and your private life.

5. Pornography/Nudity

One of the most common issue today in social media is pornography. Pornography is now also considered as part of the business industry. Some people will sell their flesh for a specific fee. I don’t blame some people wearing sexy clothes. Remember, you are not just praised by some people but they are imagining you that are bare naked.

These are the reasons why you should refrain from using social media. If you have some entries that you want to add to this blog, comment below so your voices are heard.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Welcome to Bits, Bites, and Thoughts!

Today is my first blog creation and I don’t know why I came back here to write a blog again. Actually, I am not a typical type of writer. I am not confident enough to show my thoughts to others so I kept it on my own.

I am supposed to push through my Freelancing Tips blog way back 2014 but my complacency attacks me so I shut it down. And oh! It’s now 2019 and I am ready to face the challenge that I may encounter about blogging. You know what, I am very much shy to show these content to those so-called “grammar police” who only attacks those who don’t have cojones… you know what I am saying.

During college, I not that fluent went it comes to American English. Most of my poetic content are Filipinos and I tried to master some points in constructing English till I formulated my very own manuscript for my requirement for graduation.

My quest for searching for a job after graduation isn’t that easy for me. After a year, I got a Virtual Assistant job on Odesk (Upwork, now) and I don’t know how to communicate with the clients. But thanks to Mr. Google, I’ve made it on my own.

By the way, back to my blog… I am actually no idea what niche should I create. But I decided to make some heterogeneous topics – and that’s way better.

Ideas are coming in and I want to enhance this craft because this will give people entertainment and information in any device they are using.

This is my new quest for my ambitious writing skills… wish me luck.

Thanks to all people who motivate me to write again and I am not making a promise that my content is not that perfect but criticisms make a writer uplifts their moral to set forth and use the burning idea and their good heart.

Jerwin is a simple guy who has the ambition to be a pocketbook writer or a poet but he turned out to be a Virtual Assistant for almost a decade. His motivation is his friends in social media as well as his family. He is currently looking for more ideas in blogging and his goal is not to impress people but to enhance the writing skills that he doesn’t want to learn because of grammar warriors or critics that he may get him upset.