Thursday, July 18, 2019

Reasons Why You Should Refrain from using Social Media

Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn help us to connect with other people and relatives from any parts of the world. Social media strengthens our interpersonal relationship as well as finding the one true love - well, that was my ambitious perception.

 Social media is now the most powerful tool to express and impress our feelings to issues like posting rants and political views. That’s not all, social media is also the gateway to the marketplace where you can buy and sell items.

With all the functionalities, we forgot the side effects of using them and I am not saying that Social Media is bad – very bad when you use it when someone is hurt. Social Media is sometimes poisonous and anytime can kill your morale and yourself.

In this article, we will be discussing the reasons why you should refrainn from using social media.

1.  Cyberbullying

Social Media is the main catalyst or the root cause of bullying. Once you post or share a particular picture, some people will mock you due to your physical attributes. And this is how many people are losing their moral to express themselves through their pictures. Bullying may lead to depression and the worst, death.

2. Conflicts

Social Media is also the cause of conflicts due to each other’s perception, just like politics. Here in the Philippines, democracy rules and we can express ourselves with freedom – and most of them are taking advantage of it. These conflicts implicate how people perceive but they didn’t mind the feelings of others – think how the world it is.

3. Fake News

Social Media also worsen the situation about a specific issue by bluffing us and create bring terror to each and one of us. Remember, fake news will not help us people and you should confirm them before believing them. You need more facts, not hearsay.

4. Security

Social Media may also harm you physically. There is some news that a girl killed by some unidentified person who chatted them via social media and makes date with them. Meeting with strangers is not advisable, think as many as you can if you are going to your dating place. As we all said: “Don’t talk to strangers.”

We can also include cybersecurity in this part. Never ever give your details to strangers. This may hack your social media account and worst, your bank account. Also, don’t just click the links that you are receiving from your inbox. This will also hack your details, your money, and your private life.

5. Pornography/Nudity

One of the most common issue today in social media is pornography. Pornography is now also considered as part of the business industry. Some people will sell their flesh for a specific fee. I don’t blame some people wearing sexy clothes. Remember, you are not just praised by some people but they are imagining you that are bare naked.

These are the reasons why you should refrain from using social media. If you have some entries that you want to add to this blog, comment below so your voices are heard.

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Jerwin is a simple guy who has the ambition to be a pocketbook writer or a poet but he turned out to be a Virtual Assistant for almost a decade. His motivation is his friends in social media as well as his family. He is currently looking for more ideas in blogging and his goal is not to impress people but to enhance the writing skills that he doesn’t want to learn because of grammar warriors or critics that he may get him upset.