Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Are You Ready For Your Death?

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

- Psalms 23:4

Are you ready for your death? Most of the people will say “A Big No.” Nobody wants death but that’s the cycle of life. As for me, I personally changed my perception as I get old. If you are going to ask me… then I said “Yes.”

My perception changed when I got hospitalized last June 2019 for almost a week. My doctor told me that I have Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 5 or Renal Failure End Stage. My creatinine unbelievably went up as well as my blood pressure. I am also having a hard time urinating, meaning there is something wrong with my kidney.

My doctor told me to undergo dialysis to lessen the creatinine serum in my body that may kill me within 24 hours. On May 30, 2019 at 6 PM, a catheter placed on my neck. The needle is quite thick with a length of 6 inches.

At that time, I was thinking and justifying things about what-ifs but I don’t want to leave my family, especially my mom who took care of me in the hospital.

Our Almighty God is the one who only knows when and where He will take our life. But I know by the power of prayers of my family and friends gave me the strength to move on. I am very much blessed to have those prayer warriors trusting God’s power of healing.

Death shall come upon us but if you have believed in the power of prayer, you entrusted your life to the Lord. Lord’s promises are unbreakable but sometimes, we cannot tell the time that the end is near.

The moment you surrender yourself to God, without a doubt, He is with you like He did to Joshua, Moses, and Abraham until their time has come to pass.

Glory to God!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

What Does It Take To Become Stronger?

I almost done watching the 70+ episodes of Hajime no Ippo, known as “Knockout” here in the Philippines. I felt the way the protagonist’s (Ippo Makunouchi) way of powering up his strength and stamina while fighting in the ring. Even though he’s groggy and getting weaker due to opponents' jabs and punches, he manages to get himself up and prove himself to others that he is physically and mentally stronger.

That’s how Jyoji Morikawa, the writer of Hajime no Ippo manga, impressed their readers and viewers of this anime. There are no dull moments, all the characters are just imposing pride and power that they can take down their opponents.

It takes a man to be stronger to get his goal – the will of fire to win. The power in the hand of a boxer lies in their motivation to subdue their opponents in the ring. They don’t want to let their spirit down but to fight until their last breath. This is how I compare my life with Ippo – I’d rather fighting with my fear than to run away.

Ippo teaches me to be a stronger person mentally and physically. Even though in the toughest times, I managed to get myself out of the darkest moment of my life. I fight for my life against depression because I know there is a little light in the midst of darkness.

Life is like a boxing arena. Don’t let the punches and jabs in your life be your weakness to stand because being stronger makes you tougher as your life goes on.

What does it take to be a stronger person? Like Ippo, he has the mindset to get his Japan Champion Belt. As for me, I have my family as my strength to move on as my mindset to reach my goal and prosperity in my everyday life.

People may mock you but don’t let yourself be weak, let yourself stand still and let God be your inspiration to move on.

“Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. – Nehemiah 8:10 (NIV)”

Jerwin is a simple guy who has the ambition to be a pocketbook writer or a poet but he turned out to be a Virtual Assistant for almost a decade. His motivation is his friends in social media as well as his family. He is currently looking for more ideas in blogging and his goal is not to impress people but to enhance the writing skills that he doesn’t want to learn because of grammar warriors or critics that he may get him upset.