Sunday, July 14, 2019

Welcome to Bits, Bites, and Thoughts!

Today is my first blog creation and I don’t know why I came back here to write a blog again. Actually, I am not a typical type of writer. I am not confident enough to show my thoughts to others so I kept it on my own.

I am supposed to push through my Freelancing Tips blog way back 2014 but my complacency attacks me so I shut it down. And oh! It’s now 2019 and I am ready to face the challenge that I may encounter about blogging. You know what, I am very much shy to show these content to those so-called “grammar police” who only attacks those who don’t have cojones… you know what I am saying.

During college, I not that fluent went it comes to American English. Most of my poetic content are Filipinos and I tried to master some points in constructing English till I formulated my very own manuscript for my requirement for graduation.

My quest for searching for a job after graduation isn’t that easy for me. After a year, I got a Virtual Assistant job on Odesk (Upwork, now) and I don’t know how to communicate with the clients. But thanks to Mr. Google, I’ve made it on my own.

By the way, back to my blog… I am actually no idea what niche should I create. But I decided to make some heterogeneous topics – and that’s way better.

Ideas are coming in and I want to enhance this craft because this will give people entertainment and information in any device they are using.

This is my new quest for my ambitious writing skills… wish me luck.

Thanks to all people who motivate me to write again and I am not making a promise that my content is not that perfect but criticisms make a writer uplifts their moral to set forth and use the burning idea and their good heart.

Jerwin is a simple guy who has the ambition to be a pocketbook writer or a poet but he turned out to be a Virtual Assistant for almost a decade. His motivation is his friends in social media as well as his family. He is currently looking for more ideas in blogging and his goal is not to impress people but to enhance the writing skills that he doesn’t want to learn because of grammar warriors or critics that he may get him upset.